Thursday, November 15, 2007

i miss you and want to know how you are

send me emails, you assholes! let me know how you're doing and stuff! if you have my blog address, i want to know how you are. this isn't a one way thing, you know.

also real letters would be much appreciated. i want mail to open! send me stuff! i finally bought some stamps, but i don't have envelopes, so some of you may get some mail in a month or so.

i have nothing new, except to say that i think it's awesome how much beyonce is on the radio here. and also i like how a few of my co-trainees join me in song whenever i burst out with a cheesy pop number.

sala hantle bo-ntate le bo-me! (stay well, guys and girls) (literally fathers and mothers)

ausi rebecca


Nora said...

Ok, ok...I'll build up to snail mail.

Anonymous said...

damnit i dont have your email-nenny corn

Anonymous said...

Look for the package sent 11-10
(#1) I'll send other updates in email. (It's private stuff!)
love, momma

Anonymous said...

OMG i love that you put toto on your profile!! do you hum "africa" IN africa??-nenny

Rebecca said...

i totally do. also the last night in D.C., at a bar there was a pianist, and we requested Africa from Toto, and he sang it for us!!! it was the most exciting public song dedication evar. oh, yeah,