Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Can't Imagine Anything Higher Than This

Beaches + Monkeys + Hammocks = Happy Rebecca

and also these cows that like to go on outings to the beach


Unknown said...

more questions:

what kind of monkeys?

are cows used in marriage exchanges in lesotho? if so, as brideprice or dowry?

whether or not the previous question is true, have you managed to trace family relationships and networks of obligations using the exchange of cows (or other artifacts for that matter), old-school anthropologist styley?

Alan said...


Pretty pictures... thanks. What's crackin' in Lesotho? Kenya is still cool... I guess I'm on month 19 now, only 5 more to go.

I don't miss home so much, apart from those materialistic things like fast internet and coffee. Other than that, I talk to my family pretty often. I'm actually applying for jobs in Nairobi... we'll see...

