Thursday, October 22, 2009

F- This List, I'd Rather Play Some Whist!

Things I've Lied About Recently
1. Being sick
2. Having important paperwork/appointments/etc. outside of school
3. How the car got scratched
4. My nationality (Russian)
5. How much money I have
6. Why I am leaving Thaba-Tseka so soon
7. My formative years spent at a boarding school in Germany
8. My familial relationship with Kelly Clarkson
9. What I think of my coworker's new weave

Things I've Stared at for Far Too Long
1. My ceiling
2. Brokeback mountain
3. The bit of stained glass hanging from my wardrobe
4. Raw meat
5. Crossword puzzles
6. Sheep
7. The growth behind the taxi driver's ear
8. My fingernails
9. Cliffsides
10. Cinderblocks
11. Blank pages
12. Car wrecks
13. Dirt paths
14. The surface of my desk
15. Clouds

P.S. I would like to announce that I am NO LONGER A RESIDENT OF THABA-TSEKA!!!!!
As of now I am enjoying the bright lights of the big city, then as of November 2 I will no longer be a volunteer, then as of November 11 I will no longer exist on the continent of Africa

1 comment:

Alan said...

Yo yo,

Wassup from Kenya? I am also no longer a volunteer. You have only a few days left, man... holy shit. I'm living in Kenya fo sho... stop by if you get the chance and I'll show you the time of your life!!!

AHahahah adios,
