Sunday, May 3, 2009

Easter, Shmeister. Put it in Your Keister!

Goals for Easter Vacay 2009

1. Climb to the highest point in an area
2. bathe in a waterfall
3. build a badass sandcastle
4. hammock joust
5. find monkeys
A. befriend a monkey
a. trade headband for very powerful ring with said monkey
a.1. convince said monkey to wear said headband
6. Madeline needs to buy jellies and a floppy hat
* Please note: Rebecca would also like a floppy hat

10 Things to Quicken My Heart [Easter]

10. Backflips in the waves
9. midnight full moon shark infested waters of the indian ocean skinny dipping
8. building drip sandcastles
7. drinking with friends
6. sangria
5. foliage
4. cuddling
3. making fires and sitting by them
2. hammocks
1. Brett the helper -- with headband

Highlights [Easter]

1. See previous list
2. food poisoning twice in two weeks (doh!)
3. meeting a former employee of Jaime Oliver
4. burning myself 3 1/2 times on various hot substances/objects
5. Dreaming of a chuck-e-cheese shipwreck
6. Sitting on a couch with jack/brett/mad watching the foliage for 5 hours
7. Creepy assholes harassing/molesting me in my sleep (3 times) (triple doh!)
8. My hair= a fro the whole week
9. Wearing dresses that end above my knees
10. Minimal sunburnage
11. Buying purple tights
12. Road trip with best playlist evar
13. Harassing the attractive bartender into having a dance party, then being unable to attend
14. Not getting eaten by sharks
15. 3 giant friendly dogs adopted us for the day! (we named them jellybean, fetch, and lamp)
16. pineapples (with rum, sometimes)
17. monkeys of indeterminate species
18. untended cows that go for a jaunt to the beach to sunbathe and wade in the shallows

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