Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hello Out There, is Anybody List-ening?

Things I Fantasize About
1. Double ply toilet paper
2. Cheese (duh)
3. Mexican food/ Thai food
4. Hot showers
5. Fishies (a.k.a. goldfish crackers)
6. Nerds
7. Meeting a nice boy that likes me for me, and doesn't see me as either a freak show or a free ticket to America
8. Electricity

Things That Make Me Happy
1. Waking up next to Victoria, singing the good morning song, and relaying our dreams
2. Kittens (sometimes)
3. Lunch bar dreams
4. Cheese (duh)
5. Mail
6. Scottish Leader Whiskey
7. The prospect of Namibia
8. Having a conversation with a stranger that doesn't end in a request of some sort
9. Hot water bottles
10. Dance parties
11. Glitter (especially when in conjunction with 10.)
12. How excited my student sometimes get when I enter the classroom
13. Nanotechnology (So Cool)
14. Crossword puzzles
15. Jam (esp. strawberry and raspberry, lately)
16. Snuggling with Vic's pregnancy pillow (somewhat unfortunately named Bryan Adams)

Things That Make Me Sad
1. My dropout rate is up to 7
2. Accidentally looking down into my pit latrine
3. Rats that eat my underwear
4. Running out of batteries
5. incomprehension
6. The number of bestiality-related questions I got during an impromptu sex ed class session
7. The number of ribs I'm able to count on all the domestic animals
8. That many Basotho believe that if you wear gum boots (galoshes) during sex, you won't get HIV
9. You know what would make this better? cheese.
10. How relative bathing has become (relative to what? i'm not sure)
11. Rats that sneak under my door, confound my cats and eat my tomatoes

Trends I May or May Not Have Inspired
1. Holding your hands as if you were wearing mittens while dancing
2. Beanies with brims
3. the internet
4. a love of veronica mars (of the show, not for her because she herself is a selfish paranoid bitch who uses people)
5. lists
6. pie
7.using old airline whiskey bottles for salt/pepper shakers
8. spelunking
9. speaking spanish
10. burning man SOUTH AFRICA!!! woo!!

p.s. comments are always appreciated


Anonymous said...

I take it, you'd like some cheese sent to you? It'll have to be processed. Keep up the blogs...everyone loves them. They just have nothing interesting to respond with. (Who can match what you've got to say?)But we are all reading them and love you!

Anonymous said...

Will someone out there send Rebecca some cheese?

Rebecca said...

no process cheese please lord! it makes me vomit, literally. too many times have i seen that stuff come back up to like it anymore. i've been in the capital for 2 days and gone through 2 blocks of cheddar and a tub of feta. mmmmmmmmm wonderousness

Unknown said...

hey i'm in colombia but i still have that carepackage awaiting you at my house in oakland - let me know when and where to send it!