Wednesday, March 26, 2008

photo montage

sorry no pics from cape town, i don't have my camera cord (curses!)

here's my roundavel

me marking assignments at my desk in the staffroom

form A2, there are 5 rows of 3 desks that wouldn't fit in the picture. that's tsepo in the front, he's awesome.
exam day + inkless xerox machine = free day! = taking out your teachers weave

l to r: reithumetse, malehluoa, pule: my family! we're hanging out in teh kitchen. i just gave pule and reithumetse these valentine socks with light up hearts. they went NUTS

reithumetse in front of the kitchen house

me and 'me mamasebetse, another teacher
pie in africa!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! Keep them coming..makes us feel more connected. And you look great!
love, momma

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble getting my name on my comments, and am having to go with "anonymous" anyone else having this problem?

Nora said...

Hey freaker, I have a rich Portagoose cousin in Cape Town that's very nice, you should go visit. I will see if I can get his address from my mother. I might go out there in the fall to stay with him actually.

Nora said...

You look gorgeous, by the way. Great pics.

Anonymous said...

is that a white kid in the front chair in the classroom?

Rebecca said...

nope, albino in front. there are a disproportionate number of them here. i blame inbreeding.

Anonymous said...

Amazing becky!!!!!-nen corn